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Here the Native American and Mayan Flutes.

Traditionally, these instruments are used for rituals and ceremonies. It is intuitive instruments, very easy to play, they do not require any musical predisposition, and are easy to quickly produce beautiful melodies.


I offer you several models of flutes:

.Simple flute (one air column)

.Double flute - drone (two air columns)

.Tunable dual flute (tunable drone)

.Triple Flute (three air columns)

Native American Flutes

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana

Double Native American flutes

Exactly like the simple Native American flute except that here there are two columns of air, one with holes to play the melody and the second without holes to play the drone (or drone). The drone is tuned to the fundamental of the flute, it gives an even deeper, more captivating presence and sound.
The mouthpiece has two holes that allow you to play each air column independently and therefore play with or without the drone.

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana

Mayan Temple Flutes

Exactly like the double Native American flute except that here the drone is tunable, 3 holes with removable stoppers allow you to choose between 4 different notes of the drone, the fundamental, the Third, the Fourth and the Fifth.
This instrument offers a great wealth of sound and melodies.

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana

Triple Flutes

Three-in-one flute, a melodic part, two drones, one of which is tunable, so 3 holes with removable caps allow you to choose between 4 different drone notes, the fundamental, the Third, the Fourth and the Fifth.
This instrument offers a great wealth of sound and melodies.

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana


The piece on the top of the flute intended to direct the air towards the whistle and thus produce the sound is called the Totem. It is removable in order to clean the instrument and remove the humidity created by condensation during playing. Traditionally and generally it is held by a leather lace.
I thought of this new means of holding it allowing it to be removed and replaced much more quickly thanks to small magnets embedded in each piece of wood.

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana

The options

. Fixing the Totems with laces or magnets

.Custom Totem Sculpture

.Central thread

.Different wood species from the body at the mouthpiece and bell.

.Precious wood

.Others: your inspirations will be mine


Scale fingerings

Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
Flute native amérindienne fabricant luthier chamane triple double Native American flute maker naf drone Sangita Vana
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